We launch the inbestMe’s SRI Bond and Green Bond Portfolios

inbestMe was a pioneer in launching SRI indexed portfolios in 2018.

The SRI alternative is transversal to inbestMe’s portfolio offering:

  • in index fund portfolios
  • in ETF portfolios
  • in pension plan portfolios.

We have decided, together with the relaunch of our bond portfolios and taking advantage of the increase in SRI and green bond funds and ETFs, to expand the bond portfolio offering by adding the SRI and green bond option (until now profile 0 did not have the SRI option).

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Advantages of the SRI Bond and Green Bond Portfolios

These portfolios will be available starting 9/15/2023 in Euros:

  • SRI index fund and green bond portfolios
  • SRI ETF and green bond portfolios

They are designed in a similar way to Euro bond portfolios (non-ISR) and have the same advantages in terms of:

  1. Its ease of hiring
  2. They are easier to manage than the direct purchase of bonds
  3. They are very diversified portfolios
  4. They are liquid wallets, you can have the money in 5 business days
  5. They are more fiscally efficient than contracting bonds or treasury bills directly

Composition of the SRI Bond and Green Bond Portfolios

Additionally, for an investor with values towards sustainability, the portfolio is made up of:

  • SRI money market funds or ETFs
  • SRI floater funds or ETFs
  • Short-term SRI corporate or state bond funds or ETFs
  • Long-term SRI corporate or state bond funds or ETFs
  • Green bond funds or ETFs

To see the updated portfolio distribution you can consult the page:

The inbestMe’s SRI Bond and Green Bond Portfolio: A compromise between performance and duration

As has been done for the relaunch of the bond portfolios, the investment committee makes a selection of the best index funds or SRI ETFs and green bonds to achieve the best distribution and return/risk ratio for each risk profile.

In this sense, it has sought a good balance between duration and performance, as in other bond portfolios.

The duration is somewhat longer due to the non-ISR since green bonds (although it is still below 2 years) have a slightly longer duration but it has been controlled.

The Yield of the portfolio is 3.8% in index funds

The Yield of the portfolio is 3.8% in ETFs.

We recommend you read more about the new inbestMe bond portfolios:

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