Target Portfolio USD

Your goal is ours. Let's go together.

A goal for each horizon:


Open your Target Portfolio USD now with BlackRock’s iShares iBonds ETF (12/2025, 12/2026 or 12/2027) and get up to €40 at portfolio maturity!

If you invest…:

  • From €5,000 to €14,999 you will get an additional €10 at the maturity of the portfolio.
  • From €15,000 to €29,999 you will get an additional €20 at the maturity of the portfolio.
  • From €30,000 you will get an additional €40 at the maturity of the portfolio.

*See promotion bases

Deposit and custody

Our ETF portfolios are deposited with Interactive Brokers (IB), one of the best brokers in the world, in an account in your name and managed by inbestMe. Your account will be opened in IB Ireland or IB USA dependening on your country of residence.


inbestMe’s Target Portfolios 12/2025, 12/2026 y 12/2027 are composed exclusively of BlackRock iShares ETFs.

iShares iBonds (BlackRock) are ETFs (Exchange-Traded-Funds) with target returns at maturity. These are made up of investment grade corporate bonds (from A+ to BBB) and Treasuries (US Treasury bonds) when available for that maturity. They are an innovative set of bond funds that hold a diversified portfolio of bonds with similar maturity dates. Each ETF provides regular interest payments and distributes a final payment over its stated maturity year, similar to traditional graded bond strategies, but automated.


If you want to find out the historycal returns of our inbestMe ETFs portfolios, please visit our dedicated returns page.

*The accumulated target return is net of commissions and has been calculated by composing the target return of the funds that make up the portfolio. A target return is not a guaranteed return. If USD is not your currency, there is currency risk. Past returns are no guarantee of future returns. You can see all the details in this article.

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Do you have any question?
Do not keep it for yourself,
we have the answer.

Sometimes money issues are complex, which is why we designed our Target Portfolio USD to be as easy as possible to understand. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions.

Your portfolio will expire depending on the term you choose.

This means that on that day your positions will be automatically liquidated with the expected profitability.

No, target return is not guaranteed.

The target return is the weighted return of all the bonds that make up the portfolio net of fees. In the event of failure or bankruptcy of any of the bonds, this target return could be somewhat lower.

The ETF portfolio is made up of more than 500 investment grade bonds to minimize this risk.

In the case of the mutual fund portfolio, the composition includes 50 investment grade corporate bonds.

inbestMe Target Portfolios do not have any type of link or penalty for early withdrawal.

Even so, it is important to remember that they are designed to hold them until expiration. In case of early exit you may lose capital and/or profitability.

Your ETF portfolio is held outside of Spain at Interactive Brokers (IB). This means that, in addition to the access to inbestMe, you will have a parallel access to IB and, when your first transfer is complete, you will receive a different username (by email) and password (by SMS) than inbestMe.

Although it is not essential that you enter to start investing, it it will be necessary to access IB to: 1) Change the initial temporary password, 2) Record your security questions and 3) Notify your destination bank account in case you request a withdrawal total or partial.

Furthermore, if you are a resident in Spain, as IB is outside of Spain, it will be necessary to present Form 720 to the Treasury, depending on the amount invested.

The variable Yield we advertise is net of portfolio fees.

The inbestMe’s Target Portfolios, being securities portfolios, have some costs. These costs have been adjusted to a minimum so that the net interest you get is the maximum possible.

There are 2 explicit costs that are seen and charged to the portfolio:

  • 0.12% to 0.25% in the case of the inbestMe management fee.
  • 0.11% maximum custody (Interactive Brokers – 0.11% – for ETF portfolios).

There is 1 implicit cost that is not seen, which is the TER of the funds or ETFs, which is on average 0.06%. TER stands for “Total Expense Ratio”.

You don’t have to worry too much, as the published variable TER includes the total costs subtracted.

For more information: inbestMe Portfolio Costs

Like any other investment portfolio, your portfolio is subject to the taxation that governs your country and your personal situation.

The Yield will accumulate at the maturity of the bonds that comprise it. Unlike a deposit, where each time interest accrues, for example, monthly or annually, the corresponding tax is withheld, in the inbestMe’s Target Portfolio you will accumulate profitability without deducting any tax until the moment of sale.

When you sell the portfolio, you will pay the tax applicable in your country. For example, in Spain this tax is 19% on the gain (in most cases). We recommend that you always consult a specialized professional about your situation.

In the InbestMe’s Target Portfolio, no interest is received in the conventional sense, since it is not a deposit or remunerated account. Instead, the profit comes from profitability, which is the change in the value of the mutual funds or ETFs in which your portfolio is invested. You will see this profitability accumulate more or less proportionally on business days and a slight drop on the day inbestMe charges the monthly commissions (beginning of each month).

Like any securities account, your portfolio is subject to the evolution of the markets.

However, the inbestMe’s Target Portfolio has been designed to maintain your capital and obtain a return linked to the liquidation of the bonds that comprise it.

The security of the inbestMe Target Portfolio, like the rest of the portfolios we manage, is covered by the FOGAIN (Investment Guarantee Fund) in the event that inbestMe stops providing services (up to €100,000 per entity and owner).

Your money is off the inbestMe balance sheet and is invested in the best iShares ETFs (Blackrock), also distributed in hundreds of corporations.

Other questions about Target Portfolios:

For more information, you can consult our Frequently Asked Questions about Target Portfolios..