Get indexed your way with our diversified ETF portfolios
Invest in a careful selection of exchange-traded funds or ETFs that replicate the performance of the best indices in the world. A plan that adapts to the markets.
You will invest according to your values without giving up better performance… with all the advantages of inbestMe: your plan adapted to you, ultra-diversified and low-cost.
Invest in a personalized portfolio with a high presence of Value ETFs (with a Value bias). Our technology and experts will take care of monitoring, rebalancing and managing your additional contributions.
An ETF, or Exchange Traded Fund, is an investment instrument that is traded on the stock market in real time, just like a stock. They are made up of various exchange-traded funds that are designed to track the performance of specific market indices
ETFs allow you to buy and sell shares at any time during trading hours, have a make and redeem structure, and are highly liquid due to being traded on an exchange.
With InbestMe’s ETF portfolios you will discover portfolios that suit your investor profile, highly diversified and expertly crafted. Currently at InbestMe, you can find 4 types of ETF portfolios:
–Standard ETF Portfolios
–SRI ETF portfolios
–Value ETF Portfolios
Discover InbestMe’s ETF portfolios: expert diversification and real-time opportunities to boost your investments. Customize your strategy, maximize your performance and build your financial future with our diversified portfolios!