Savings Portfolio USD

Grow your savings at the rhythm of FED interest rates with the Savings Portfolio USD

Savings Portfolio USD

From $5.000 and above
4.00% Yield

Estimated (in USD)

  • There are other scenarios that can generate a different, higher or lower Yield, as can be seen below.
  • Profitability linked to the FED.
  • The Yield is variable (FED interest rate).
  • Benefit from the effect of compound interest with no capital or term limits.
  • Defer your taxation until withdrawal.
  • We accept multiple currencies (exchange free of charge).
  • Coverage: FOGAIN (Spanish Investment Guarantee Fund).
  • International custodian.




Do you have any question?
Do not keep it for yourself,
we have the answer.

Sometimes money issues are complex, which is why we designed our Savings Portfolio USD to be as easy to understand as possible. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions.

If it is not your currency, you are taking a currency exchange rate risk. You can send Euros or Dollars or even other currencies. The currency exchange is free of charge.

Your portfolio does not have a fixed term, the term is set flexibly according to your needs, nor does it have any type of linkage.

Your Savings Portfolio is NOT a deposit, it is better in the sense that it does not have a fixed term. This is because it is totally flexible. It does not have maturity. You can add money when it suits you, or withdraw it when you need to. All the money in your account will accumulate the advertised Yield with no strings attached.

The Yield is variable.

The variable IRR of your portfolio is updated according to different parameters, the most important of which is the official interest rate set by the central banks (ECB for the EURO, and the FED for the USD).

Note: ECB stands for the European Central Bank, FED for the Federal Reserve in the USA which are the ones that determine different official rates that condition all the interest rates in their respective currencies, Euro for the ECB, Dollar for the FED.

The investment committee has designed a portfolio of funds or a portfolio of ETFs, on the one hand, to maintain your capital and at the same time optimize the return you get for it. This portfolio is monitored to get the most for your money and to automatically pass on the evolution of official rates to your savings. We will notify you when interest rates change (ECB and FED).

Your portfolio does not have a specific term, the term is set flexibly according to your needs, nor does it have any type of link.

Your Savings Portfolio is NOT a deposit, it is better in the sense that it does not have a specific term. This is because it is totally flexible. It does not have maturity. You can add money when it suits you, or withdraw it when you need to. All the money in your account will accumulate the advertised Yield with no strings attached. Additionally, we do not ask you to direct payroll or receipts or hire an additional service.

Yes, you can.

As in any inbestMe portfolio, you can establish recurring contributions that will be invested automatically, taking advantage of compound interest.

The variable Yield we advertise is net of portfolio fees.

The inbestMe Savings Portfolio, being a securities account, has certain costs. These costs have been adjusted to a minimum so that the net interest you get is the maximum possible.

There are 2 explicit costs that are seen and charged to the portfolio:

  • 0.12% to 0.25% in the case of the inbestMe management fee.
  • 0.11% maximum custody (GVC Gaesco – 0.06%/0.105% – for fund portfolios) or trading (Interactive Brokers – 0.11% – for ETF portfolios).

There is 1 implicit cost that is not visible, which is the TER of the funds or ETFs which is on average 0.13%. TER stands for “Total Expense Ratio”.

You don’t have to worry too much, as the published variable TER includes the total costs subtracted.

For more information: inbestMe Portfolio Costs

Like any other Savings or Investment Account, your portfolio is subject to taxation in your country and your personal situation.

The (variable) Yield will accrue daily. Unlike a deposit, where each time interest is accrued, e.g. monthly or annually, the corresponding tax is withheld, in the inbestMe Savings Portfolio you will accumulate the return without deducting any tax until the moment of sale.

In the case of the money market funds portfolio, as these are transferable, you can transfer all or part of them to another fund portfolio. For example, to an investment portfolio in inbestMe, deferring the taxation of your savings/investments as much as possible (this applies to individuals resident in Spain).

When you sell the portfolio, you will pay the tax applicable in your country. For example, in Spain this tax is 19% on the gain (in most cases). We recommend that you always consult a specialized professional about your situation.

In the InbestMe Savings Portfolio, interest is not received in the conventional sense, since it is not a deposit or remunerated account. Instead, the profit comes from profitability, which is the change in the value of the mutual funds or ETFs in which your portfolio is invested. You will see this profitability accumulate more or less proportionally on business days and a slight drop on the day inbestMe charges the monthly commissions (beginning of each month).

Like any securities account, your portfolio is subject to the evolution of the markets.

However, the inbestMe Savings Portfolio has been designed to maintain your capital and obtain a return linked to the official rates of the central banks (ECB and FED).

The security of the inbestMe Savings Portfolio, like the rest of the portfolios we manage, is covered by the FOGAIN (Investment Guarantee Fund) in the event that inbestMe ceases to provide services (up to €100,000 per entity and holder).

As it is a securities account, the FGD (Deposit Guarantee Fund) does not apply.

Your money is off inbestMe’s balance sheet and is invested in the best money market funds from large and renowned international fund managers, spread over hundreds of assets.

Other questions about Savings Portfolio:

For more information, you can consult our Savings Portfolio FAQs.