inbestMe Blog: Financial News, Savings and Investment

Achieve your financial goals by investing in ETF

If one of your financial objectives is to increase your capital by maximizing returns while limiting risk, investing in exchange-traded funds (ETF) is a recommended strategy. In the following article,…

Target return fund: we analyze this financial product

In investors’ search for safe and profitable investments, target return funds emerge as a financial vehicle designed for those investors who are more inclined to predictable returns and protection of…

When to increase the duration of bonds

Following the pandemic, bonds have returned to offering interesting returns after 15 years of extremely low returns. Related posts: Tips on how to create an investment portfolio For these reasons,…

The ECB lowers official interest rates by 0.25%

As anticipated, last Thursday, the ECB cut official interest rates by 0.25%. The interest rate on the deposit facility was lowered from 3.25% to 3%. Related posts: Impact of the…