Set your goals today.
Get more from your money tomorrow.
Discover the app to invest on autopilot and grow your savings without worrying about a thing. We do this through portfolios of index funds, ETFs and Pension Plans diversificadas globalmente y con opción sostenible.

Discover our investment portfolios

Savings Portfolio EUR
Grow your savings at the rhythm of interest rates from CEB.

Savings Portfolio
Grow your savings at the rhythm of interest rates from FED.

Savings Portfolio
Your target returns in EUR are ours. Let's go together.

Savings Portfolio
Your target returns in USD are ours. Let's go together.

Bond Portfolio
100% Fixed Income or Bonds Portfolio with maturities of less than 2 years

Bond Portfolio
100% Fixed Income or Bonds Portfolio with maturities over 5 years

Index Funds
Invest for the long term with very low costs

SRI Index Funds
Invest in index funds with a sustainable bias and low costs

Pension Plans
Prepare your future with an indexed Pension Plan

SRI Pension Plans
Invest in an SRI Pension Plan responsibly

Invest with the power of a good strategy

Invest taking care of our future with a sustainable bias

ETF Value
The Value Smart Investing Plan
We manage your portfolio
Combine multiple goals/accounts to achieve your financial goals.
With better profitability
Thanks to the assets used and the efficiency of indexing, we offer higher returns* than traditional funds.
*See returns chart
*See returns chart
On autopilot
Feel at ease knowing that we do everything for you and that your account is protected with the highest coverage on the market.
Improve your returns
in 3 simple steps
Answer a few short questions
Discover your investor profile in 1 minute.
Get your personalized plan
A highly diversified investment plan adapted to your investor profile.
Start investing from €1,000
Open your account 100% online. Easy and fast.
Discover the most customizable automated wealth manager on the market
At inbestMe we work to create a better way of investing: simple, transparent, independent and with low costs. We do this by creating a personalized and independent investment plan and managing it for you. We use technology to automate processes. This allows us to offer really low costs and, consequently, better returns.
The most innovative Robo Advisor
Invest on autopilot
Do not worry about anything. Just invest and experience our continuous rebalancing.
Open Banking / PSD2
Connect your bank and make transfers easily.
Maximum customization
Customize your portfolio in detail (for investors with more than €100,000)
Easy funds transfer
Easily transfer your mutual or index funds by connecting them with your current wealth manager.
Plan your finances
Invest by objectives with multiple accounts and different risk profiles in each one.
App for Android and iOS
Download the app for Android or iOS and follow your investment instantly, wherever you are.