About inbestMe
Find out why the automated manager with the greatest customization
What we do
At inbestMe we work to create a better way of investing: simple, transparent, independent and with low costs. We do this by creating a personalized and independent investment plan and managing it for you. We use technology to automate everything we can. This allows us to offer really low costs and, consequently, better returns.
inbestMe is the automated manager with the most customization in Spain. We offer portfolios with Index Investment Funds, ETFs and Pension Plans. We also have plans with dynamic management, with SRI (Socially Responsible Investment), Value biases and fully customizable portfolios. The custodians, the institutions where your securities are deposited, are: Interactive Brokers, GVC Gaesco and BNP Paribas This means we can serve clients from almost anywhere in the world and offer the same coverage as your bank (or even better). We are registered with Spain’s Securities Market Commission CNMV as securities broker 272.
And why are we called inbestMe? Our name comes from joining the terms investment + best + me, which mean in other words “my best investment”.
Mission and values
inbestMe’s mission is to contribute to improve financial culture and the sustainability of human activity as one of the ways to contribute create a better society and promote people’s quality of life. inbestMe offers a complete set of low-cost, efficient, digital and automated investment services with the objective of democratizing investment and helping customers to better achieve their financial goals. inbestMe is a pioneer in indexed sustainable investment that it promotes in all its investment services.
A daughter and her father
It all started in 2013 with a daughter and her father, while he lived abroad. The daughter had savings, but no investment knowledge. Her father had the knowledge, experience and was eager to help. After going to the bank and dismissing that because of poor returns and high commissions, he decided to help his daughter by preparing a personalized investment plan using indexes. “What a pity so few people can get to invest their money like my daughter!” Lamented her father.
They say that travelling opens your mind, that’s what happened to her father. Because he lived in a more developed society and culture, he found that technology could help him bring that way of investing to many more people. He quickly came to think: “I have to help more people improve their investments”. When he got back to his home country, he began talking to his friends about his project. Those friends talked to more friends. In the end the idea caught on with a few of them and together, in 2014, it all began. Today that father, Jordi Mercader, is the CEO of inbestMe.
Our history
Empezamos la actividad
En febrero recibimos autorización de la CNMV
Lanzamos inbestMe Plus
En mayo nos convertimos en el 1.er gestor español con gestor personal.
Lanzamos cartera ISR
En octubre lanzamos la 1ª cartera automatizada del país con ETFs Socialmente Responsables.
Lanzamos cartera Value
En noviembre lanzamos la 1ª cartera automatizada del país con sesgo Value.
Añadimos Fondos Indexados
En mayo añadimos carteras de Fondos Indexados.
Lanzamos Planes de Pensiones
En noviembre añadimos carteras de Planes de Pensiones.
Añadimos Fondos Indexados ISR
En julio añadimos carteras de Fondos Indexados con estilo ISR.
Añadimos Planes de Pensiones ISR
En noviembre añadimos carteras de Planes de Pensiones con estilo ISR.
Lanzamos Cuentas Kids e
Integración de Open Banking
En enero lanzamos nuestras carteras para menores de edad y en agosto integramos la tecnología PSD2.
Lanzamos las Carteras Ahorro
En noviembre lanzamos nuestras cuentas de ahorro de inbestMe en Euro y en Dólar.
Lanzamos la transferéncia fácil de fondos de inversión y planes de pensiones
En febrero lanzamos la transferencia fácil de fondos de inversión y planes de pensiones a partir de conexión con tu banco.