inbestMe Blog: Financial News, Savings and Investment

Money market funds: Why is it time to invest in them?

The first money market fund dates back to 1971 and was created in the United States. Since then, the industry has changed and grown to unimaginable levels. There are several…

Exceptional portfolio returns in the first half of 2024

Market commentary. The second quarter of 2024 was again favorable for global equity indices, while fixed income markets continued to struggle. Commodities also generally rose during the quarter. Related posts:…

Invest or save? Is it possible to do both?

Invest or save? The first thing we should know is that it is not the same. They’re not even similar. The first is framed in the financial world, which encompasses…

The buy and hold strategy for fixed income assets

Sometimes, sitting and waiting is often the best option. In investing this is known as buy and hold, which literally means just that: buy and hold. Such a strategy is…

Avoid Market Timing to be successful in investing

At inbestMe, we strongly believe that market timing is best avoided, and we encourage our clients to adopt this approach to successful investing. Related posts: A tool to measure risk…

Green treasury bonds. Are they a good investment option?

On September 7, 2021, the Public Treasury, an agency under the Bank of Spain, issued the first sovereign green bonds or green treasury bonds in the history of Spain. Specifically,…

The Million Dollar Portfolio again at record highs

The last time we wrote about “The Million Dollar Portfolio” was after the two recent bear markets. Related posts: The dark side of … markets