
inbestMe Portfolios

Savings Portfolio Returns at the end of the first half of 2024

Returns on Savings Portfolio, as expected The returns of the Savings Portfolios have been, as expected, in line with what we have been communicating. The Savings Portfolios have been designed to replicate central bank interest rates with an optimized composition of money market funds that have this function. This is why we communicate that the…

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Impact of the ECB rate cut of 0.25% on different financial assets and their relationship with the different inbestMe Portfolios

Interest rate movements always cause some uncertainty in savers and investors, and the recent 0.25% rate cut by the European Central Bank (ECB) will not be an exception. This change in monetary policy will have different effects on various types of assets. Next, we analyze the theoretical impact of a rate drop on the main…

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We launch Target Portfolios in EUR and USD

In line with our objective of offering the best solutions to our clients to achieve their financial objectives and cover all their financial needs, we announce the launch of target portfolios in two currencies and starting at €5,000/$ with the following options:

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How to open a savings account on inbestMe step-by-step

Opening a savings portfolio on inbestMe is a comfortable and simple process that will not take you more than a few minutes, thanks to the fact that it is a completely online process with guided steps. Of course, in addition to a device connected to the Internet to register on the platform, you will also…

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