
Financial culture

Credit risk in bond investments

At its most theoretical, bonds do not appear to have any associated dangers. In fact, the bond market is seen as one of the safest markets in which to invest. However, in practice (and in reality) things change. “One of the most widespread misconceptions is that investing in fixed income is risk-free. Any investment product…

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Tips on how to create an investment portfolio

Investment portfolios help us to keep our assets, whether they are banknotes, coins, cards, or stocks and bonds, together and stored. It even allows us to see our economic or financial situation at a glance. And beyond its function of bringing together a series of assets, the investment portfolio is a way of understanding investment,…

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7 key factors you should know about bond investments

At the beginning of 2024, in January, it seemed that the bond investment craze was abating. In fact, the yield on the 10-year US bond (the market’s main benchmark) was slipping below 4% compared to the 5% it had been hovering around a few months earlier. However, as the days have gone by, this trend…

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This is how you can invest in bonds easily

The great economist John Kenneth Galbraith was fascinated by the fact that in markets, there is always a buyer for every seller. That may be easier to understand when stock prices rise, but what is puzzling is when they plummet. Even when their value is negative, as happened when investing in bonds for many years.

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