You’ve got the power

New technologies are transforming financial services

As a result, an individual’s power grows to be even stronger.

New technologies have already altered many sectors. Financial activities are also changing and will change even more in the coming years.

The World Economic Forum has published a detailed report on “The Future of Financial Services: How disruptive innovations are reshaping the way financial services are structured, provisioned and consumed”.

The exhaustive report confirms trends that could be observed in the last few years: «There is a significant increase in the acceptance of automated services in investment management which offer sophisticated low-cost alternatives to traditional asset management while reaching a wider customer base.”

According to the report this is what happens in the asset management and financial advisory services industry due to a significant loss of the customers’ confidence.

Traditional service defects are:

Accessibility: high commissions and access impediments for asset management and financial counselling services.

Consumer’s expectations: require more customization, efficiency and low costs.

Agility: To meet customer’s needs with agility is now limited by the existing organizational structures and technological infrastructures.

Loss of trust: confidence has not been recovered since the financial crisis.

In order to tackle this situation, a wide number of «disrupting» alternatives are emerging with sophisticated offers that are able to reach a much broader customer base by applying key innovations and democratizing financial advice. The report specifies three different segments:

-Management and automated advice.

-Social Trading.

– Algorithmic trading strategies.

In general, these services offer and solve the following aspects:

Accessibility: Sophistication available for anyone.

Transparency and control: upon their positions and how they are invested.

Convenience: available online and via cell phones creating more value and accessibility.

Personalized: sophistication allows customization to a wider customer base.

Low Cost: competitive costs and complete transparency instead of the current high costs and lack of visibility.

Some have called this new sector Robo-advisors, a word that carries a derogatory connotation.

 Digital financial advisors (as we prefer to be called or #efinasesor on Tweeter) represent  a very small fraction of the market (0.02%) nowadays and are specifically aimed at the so-called «Millennials». However, others have stood out recently and the potential of these new services can reach the trillions.

Inbestme is also part of this revolution. We consider our company to be much more a company and far from being a Robo-advisor. We think of ourselves as digital financial advisors: much more for our broad range of services (targeting more than Millennials) and much less robotised because behind our services there are people (using an agile and flexible digital platform that allows democratised services and sophisticated techniques.)

Our offer responds to all challenges identified in the previous report:

Accessibility: very low commissions (0.5%) and starting with our diversified portfolios from only 10,000 €.

Expectations: complete customized service (personalized portfolios) with dynamic management and half the price offered by traditional services.

Agility: agile technological platform and flexible services for our clients.

Trust: full cost transparency and complete independence so that there is no conflict of interests. Customers are our priority.

Inbestme is self defined as a combination of automated management and social investment. We stand out from the rest of services thanks to our commitment: we put our money where our mouth is. We invest our customer’s money where we invest our money and our friend’s and family’s money. Our ultimate mission is to help customers take control of their finances step by step by providing information and further training.

If you are willing to take your first steps in the world of investments then picking one of our diversified portfolios is an excellent way to start.

Know your investment profile and begin investing with us as soon as possible. Time and discipline are the best allies for any investor. Inbestme combines optimal portfolios with ETFs from different asset classes and markets. You can now become a successful investor starting from 10,000 €.

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