
Educación Financiera

Why is market timing riskier than it seems?

In the last two years, financial markets, especially equity markets, have shown a remarkably positive performance, benefiting investment portfolios with more weight in this asset despite a context of political and economic uncertainty. As we can see in the graph below, the 2024 has registered a positive return of 24.9% especially in the US markets…

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How do I set up my investment portfolio?

When I started in the investment industry, I asked myself more than once: how do I set up my investment portfolio? This concern is common among those who want to enter the world of finance or are just starting out in it. If this is your case, don’t worry!

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This is how inflation-indexed bonds work

Investors are constantly looking for investment instruments that ensure the growth of their purchasing power. And this is normal, since the main objective of any investor is to guarantee their return and minimize the risk of losses. In this scenario, inflation-linked bonds stand out as an attractive option, especially because market volatility can significantly impact…

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